Origins: Release the Change!

So, another blog ay? This little free agent has been debating a new blog to start for quite some time. Semi-allergic to confines, branding my future discourse has been daunting. Not to mention the scoping question as this agent is a BRIDGE literally and figuratively. And while it can be nice to be walked on I’d like to keep it to a certain level, and a friendly one at that (nothing against resonance and harmonic frequencies stomping on bridges, but still).

Begging forgiveness because “Change Grease” clearly references the bicycle, and I don”t want to be a bicycle-only correspondent, nor to limit my work to the bicycle, although I’ve been highly focused on bringing forth a bicycling culture for some 20 years.

So we begin. Reporting on my travels and observations may be one of the best mechanisms for imparting breadth of knowledge and laterality of insight in the semi-free association espewage of the blooog.

I’m presently at a major bicycle conference in Copenhagen, the developed world’s premiere bicycle city. A few noteworthy inspirations came to me while here, freed of the elephant’s tether and surrounded by bubbly mutual enthusiasm. The first was an approach to solve the job question (at least as complex, and entwined with, the blog choice question).

Many cities need help. They have enntrenched problems. If they’re open to change they’ll spend a little resource inviting in experts to assess. I can be that person. I would even do so for next to nothing (a basic stipend) at the outset for my motives are pure and I wish to prove myself. Operaiting without avarice bolsters the purity of my purpose and earns the respect of those who might question my intent. The catch is I want power in exchange, to use my expertise and particular ability to see cross-cutting solutions and ferrret out bogus approaches. I need access, entrĂ©, and the attention of those who run their systems.

Perhaps I’ll write a city near you…this is but one of 1,0000000000 ideas…

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